I found the idea of your Top10 not only highly original but containing some great ideas, thank-you! -Martin.Sawdon, coach
I am absolutely delighted to have found your list. "Top Ten Phrases That Evidence Your Excellence at Work" It's exactly what I need right now for myself and one of my clients....definitely a list I'll keep. In fact, I've printed it and tacked it up on the wall next to my desk.
-Suzee Ebling, Intuition Coach
"The Top 10 Beliefs that Transform a Life" is the most powerful and elegant list I have seen yet. -Kathy Fletcher
it's a gorgeous little article, both in its conception and its execution. I can FEEL the Elizabeth in every word. Your writing is effervescent as you are. -Michele Lisenbury, coach
this listing is absolutely excellent!! I'm so glad you wrote your thoughts for all of us. I look forward to your other writings. -David, in Dallas